Our Omni-Channel is Simple|Customisable|Flexible|Easy|Integrated

Engagement software tools. Customisable to the needs of your business, you choose...

Social Media

In this age, customers expect us to be present and available where they are, making organisations step up their communication channel strategy.    

Telecom Stack supports our customers in integrating and technical management of social media channels into their current business ecosystems.


A.I. Integrated

Automated, A.I. supported analytics, reporting and alerts, providing deeper and broader management oversight.    

You get in-depth analysis of all incoming calls and messages, from all sources and how organisations resources are allocated.

Phone Calls

Provide a presence in 160+ countries, connecting your team anytime, anywhere.

Email Messaging

Give each email additional attention with embedment tools and control systems.

Web Messaging

Communicate with your clients over platforms like: WhatsApp or Messenger.

Social Media

Engage with your customers through their preferred social media channels.


Chat with your website visitors in real time, generate sales while leads are still hot.

SMS Messaging

Utilise every mobile network to engage with your customers, their way.


Telecom Stack's Omni-Channel connects directly to customers software, allowing the embedment of the channels to be fast and seamless. Minimising the need for ecosystem architecture redesign, reducing costs and risks.


Easily, manage your customer through multiple channels. New digital communication channels are increasing the need for businesses to improve their communication options and meet the client’s expectation of quick and easy connection, requiring businesses to manage these technologies, using the latest solutions and centralised management across platforms.|Central, all-in-one suite of communication channels, digitally, from anywhere. Integration of different communication platforms and technologies allows for easier management, improved engagement, and resource management.|Apply customer self-service easily. Use state of the art tools, such as Artificial Intelligence and automation, improving the responsiveness, efficiencies and simplifying engagement.|Improving the usability of the systems assist employees to apply their core competencies more efficiently, by reducing the number of systems and tools required to do the job. Reducing frustration and improving job satisfaction as tools are applied to keep menial tasks to a minimum.|A solution that allows full integration into current ecosystems or adding new tools. It takes that current ecosystem and allows for flexible integration into the new environments, maximising the investment and core competencies.| Supporting the business and its decision-making processes. Making good decisions is dependent on having access to relevant, accurate information that is readily available. Additional tools to provide deeper insights into the complex data makes the interpretation simple and the solutions easier to identify


360 Customer Engagement Tools

Unified customer engagement tools under one single interface helping your team to manage all communication channels at once.

360 iPad

Try it free, with our promotional 60 Day, no obligation trial.